Kathy Miller RN, Certified Classical Homeopath, Biomagnetics

Homeopathic care for the family & Biomagnetic health

My road to becoming a homeopath was one met with initial disbelief and resulted in final amazement.

Nursing Background
I have always had a passion for aiding people and animals alike in a healthcare setting. I graduated from Shenandoah University in 1987 with my degree in nursing, and thus started my career in healthcare. I loved it! I worked in many different hospitals across New England, starting out in Boston and ending up in Maryland. As a float pool nurse I worked in a wide variety of  settings, my favorite area of specialty being the newborn nursery and Pediatrics. I had learned a lot about people and a lot about healthcare!

What Changed My Mind
As time went on, I started to notice how patients known by staff as "frequent flyers" would continue to return to the hospital suffering from the same problems, or worse. Their once healthy state continued to deteriorate after each hospital admission. I thought, "There had to be a better way." I found this way through the practice of homeopathy.

Introduction to Homeopathy
Homeopathy is its own system of medicine. Homeopathy was founded by medical doctor Samuel Hahnemann in the late 1800s. It is based on the fact that like cures like, and it works very effectively. Not only does it assist the patient with their original problems but improves overall health; boosting the immune system along the way. All done without the toxic side effects of drugs! Bingo, I hit the jackpot! This sounded too good to be true! I continued to  learn that homeopathy was the original medical system in the U.S. in the early 1900's. I had no idea that the U.S. had more than 100 homeopathic hospitals, 22 homeopathic medical schools, and over 1,000 homeopathic pharmacies! I learned that the father of homeopathy, Dr. Hahnemann, has a huge monument in Washington DC! With such important strides in medicine, why didn't I learn about this in nursing school? I knew I had to investigate this further. This began my journey into the world of homeopathy. After 4 years of traveling to a school 10 hours away, I graduated from Baylight Center of Homeopathy in Portland, Maine. I continued to study and took the exam to become certified as a Classical Homeopath in 2015.

Homeopathy and Me
My studies still continue. Even as a nurse I had always had my hand in natural medicine. When the kids would get sick, it wasn't Tylenol that I would grab but a homeopathic remedy which I found to work quicker and more effectively for the ailments at hand. Because I was able to take care of my own with remedies, I avoided many visits to the pediatrician. I have always had a special interest in the health and welfare of babies and children. Treating a child using a homeopathic remedy can truly assist in building a stronger immune system. Aside from using homeopathy for the family; my 3 dogs, 3 cats, and a handful of chickens have all benefited from the use of  homeopathy. I found homeopathy to be the complete package for whatever the situation is. Along with improved health, homeopathy can make deep changes in a person. I am honored to be able to practice this art of medicine and I look forward to passing this gift along to you!

Please call for pricing & schedule availability.

Phone: 540-545-7867

Email: kmillerhomeopath@gmail.com

Website: www.Shenandoahhomeopathy.com


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Michelle Joy Lambiasi, M.Sc.